Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wagonteamster - Bob (and the horses: Bob, Bill & Doc) Part II

One of the great good fortunes of having no real set agenda is that you can make time, alter routes, change things up to suit your fancy. When I first visited Bob and the team (go to that story), it was early morning and everyone was getting ready to get on the road for the day. It was a great visit, but I decided to stop by again on my way back west for an additional visit. In my first post, I mentioned that Bob has written a book about his travels, but that I had not read it. Now, I'm about 1/2 way through it and HIGHLY recommend it. What a great book about life on the road! Here's a link so you can purchase it!

This second stopover turned out to be a great decision. This time I caught up to Bob at the end of the day, after the horses had been turned out into their temporary pasture. Bob and I had time to chat, discuss and even better, he had some visitors to his place.

Bob has a bit more time "on the road" than I do. He pointed out that the BEST things on the road are the people. He's so right. Speaking with people about the sites I visit make the visits so much better. Bob gets some extra help since he has the horses which have far better personalities than I do!!!

It really doesn't get any better than this!

All of this brought to you by Bob Skelding, Wagonteamster (his website is here). (Bob with a happy visitor, below)

In closing, this website is about "odd & unusual" attractions/sites. I am blessed to be able to visit these places. The Wagonteamster, Bob, does NOT fit that profile as being personally "odd". He is "unusual" only because he decided to do something that he wanted to do, even though that something might be viewed as "different" from the "norm." I mean, really, how many folks do you know that are seeing the nation in a horse drawn RV? I'm proud to say, I know at least one! Safe travels my friend!

Oh... by the way... thanks for the hat, Bob!

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