Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eiffel Tower Replica with Cowboy Hat - Paris, Texas

Well, I made it. I anticipated this to be one of the highlights of this journey. I mean, really, an Eiffel Tower with a red cowboy hat stuck on top??? Despite the day being gray and cloudy, it was really quite interesting to see this site. It is located on the south edge of town and there is really nothing around it. Nor is there any sort of fanfare or decoration at the site. According to the townspeople a new Veterans' Memorial is planned and they seemed far more excited about that than the Eiffel Tower. I show the sign for the new Memorial if you want to donate.

I'm trying something new with this post. Instead of a LONG LONG entry with lots of photos, I'm posting a slideshow here. PLEASE, let me know your comments! Like? Dislike? Works? Doesn't Work? I just think with a slide show, I can put more photos in less space. Keep reading though, there's more under the show.

The photos don't depict the BRIGHT red hat very well. I tried to help that out with editing, but there's only so much you can do with a photographer like me.

So, as nearly as I can tell, the Eiffel Tower Replica was erected here in Paris, Texas in 1993 (the same year as a replica in Paris, Tennessee) The original Texas tower was 5 feet taller at 65 feet than the Tennessee tower. Tennessee promptly replaced their tower with a 70 foot version and Texas responded with the cowboy hat to take the lead again. The hat is tilted, not because it's a kind gesture to "tip your hat" but because with the tilt, even a few more feet of height were gained.

Now, of course, both replicas are dwarfed by the replica at the Paris casino in Vegas which is over 500 feet, over 1/2 the size of the original.

I'm thinking that in order to do justice, I should visit the replica in Paris, TN. Not positive that will happen, but stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely need to go to TN and post some pics. I like the pics better than the slide show since you wanted feedback.
