Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Eiffel Tower (AGAIN!!!) - Paris, Tennessee

Well, I started the trip with only ONE Eiffel Tower on the agenda, but now there are two!!! When doing research and talking to people about the Eiffel Tower in Paris, TX, I found out that there was a bit of a competition between the cities of Paris, TX and Paris, TN. The additional twist in that Paris, TX replica is the cowboy hat on top. As you can see below, the Paris, TN replica is more traditional.

This one is located in "Memorial Park" and is surrounded with playground equipment, tennis courts, etc. that you would normally find in any city park in America. One thing that I find interesting is the lack of fanfare or decoration surrounding this (and most other) sites. There is very little signage or announcement of the location of the attraction.

And, once you get there, there is really nothing to give you information, history or background. Just the replica sitting in the park. It doesn't even appear to be the focal point of the park, let alone the city.

So, now I think I am going to try and visit all the "Paris" cities in the United States. I had planned on visiting Paris, Arkansas on this trip, but things come up, plans change, etc. So it looks like only 3 visits to a city named Paris on this trip!!!

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