Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paris, Illinois

I've been to Paris, Texas which boasts two sites reported here: Eiffel Tower with Cowboy Hat and Statue of Jesus With Cowboy Boots. I have decided to visit Paris, TN which also has an Eiffel Tower replica. Then it dawned on me... why not try to visit ALL the cities named Paris in the US. I think there are 15. I do not intend to visit them all with this one trip, but I will visit them as I get close to them.

Hence, my visit to Paris, Illinois. I grew up about 30 miles west of here. I didn't recall any sort of reference to Paris, France in memorials, statues or otherwise when I was growing up. I couldn't find any this trip either... so here's a pic of the water tower... for what it's worth. (the black line is a power line or something...)

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