I'm trying something new with this post. Instead of a LONG LONG entry with lots of photos, I'm posting a slideshow here. PLEASE, let me know your comments! Like? Dislike? Works? Doesn't Work? I just think with a slide show, I can put more photos in less space. Keep reading though, there's more under the show.
The photos don't depict the BRIGHT red hat very well. I tried to help that out with editing, but there's only so much you can do with a photographer like me.
So, as nearly as I can tell, the Eiffel Tower Replica was erected here in Paris, Texas in 1993 (the same year as a replica in Paris, Tennessee) The original Texas tower was 5 feet taller at 65 feet than the Tennessee tower. Tennessee promptly replaced their tower with a 70 foot version and Texas responded with the cowboy hat to take the lead again. The hat is tilted, not because it's a kind gesture to "tip your hat" but because with the tilt, even a few more feet of height were gained.
Now, of course, both replicas are dwarfed by the replica at the Paris casino in Vegas which is over 500 feet, over 1/2 the size of the original.
I'm thinking that in order to do justice, I should visit the replica in Paris, TN. Not positive that will happen, but stay tuned!!!
You definitely need to go to TN and post some pics. I like the pics better than the slide show since you wanted feedback.