Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Barbadillo, the Armadillo - NOT

Well... I am not sure if posting this is a good thing or not, but here I go anyway. I find my "places" to visit in all kinds of places, word of mouth, google searches, other websites, even a downloaded file into my GPS unit entitled "Odd & Unusual Tourist Sites" or something similar to that.

Well, one site that is mentioned a couple different places is Barbadillo, a giant sculpture of an armadillo. Well, it turns out the armadillo is an elusive creature. On Monday, I tried to get to Barbadillo, only to encounter a closed road on my path. I was planning on meeting with Wagonteamster that day and gave up the search pretty quickly figuring I'd get back to it later in the day.

Well, things have a way of complicating themselves and I didn't get to it Monday. Tuesday, after a successful meeting with Bob and the Wagonteamster crew I was ready to go find Barbadillo. so with my trust GPS powered up, I set out to find him/her. As, I got to the road closure, I decided to try my luck and finding a way around it. My poor GPS kept saying "recalculating" as I wandered the area.

After some confusion and wandering, the GPS finally announced "Arriving at Barbadillo"!!!!

But I saw nothing... I wandered around... looking for this giant sculpture... to no avail. So, I guess Barbadillo will have to wait for another trip. I give up.

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