Friday, February 26, 2010

A Word About Ads, etc.

Please do not think this to be a plea for cash, donations or actions. I just think a little explanation is in order as well as a huge "Thank You" for someone special.

Some of you may have noticed or even clicked on the ads that appear on this page... on the right I believe and down below. These ads are part of Google's Adsense program. Basically, Google "looks at" these pages, figures out what they are about and places a relevant ad. I have some control if I want it, but have never used it. Since it's Google, there should never be an inappropriate ad here. The reason for the ads is that if an ad is clicked, Google shares the fee. Believe me, this is NOT much. Almost always less than 50 cents and most often less than 25 cents.

It is my eventual hope to support a "Full Time" lifestyle of travel to these odd and unusual locations by using the internet in this and other ways. There is also a "Donation" button over on the right. If you are so inclined you can donate directly through PayPal.

At this point, I would like to publicly thank the kind person who was the first to use this Donation button. I will not identify person or amount, but believe me, the thought and gesture (along with the donation) are GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Look for our next post... "Companion Found!!!!!!"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Would Love YOUR Input too!!!

So I am trying to write here on a somewhat regular basis. The latest suggestion from the peanut gallery is that I need a "companion" to accompany me on my trip. We're not talking about anything or anyone "live." The idea is more along the lines of a doll, stuffed animal, some sort of figurine... you get the idea.

PLEASE, I'm leaving in just about 10 days... Leave your suggestions as comments to this post.

I do have an idea... but I'm very open to suggestions!!!!

Also... it is not my intent to make this "blog" a monologue or soliloquy (thank you I would love anyone and everyone to add their comments to any post, any time.

THANKS in advance.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Visit Location

OK... already time for another new post!!!!

I have added a new "site" to visit along the road.

Statue of Jesus with Cowboy Boots!!!

Yep... believed to be the only statue depicting Jesus wearing cowboy boots. Of course, this is another Texas site. Where else would He be wearing cowboy boots. This is, apparently, a statue to mark a grave site. I will report more once I find and photograph it.

There are several other possible sites with decisions to be made along the way. No cute photos today!!!

If you know of a place that warrants a visit... PLEASE... drop me a line.

Monday, February 22, 2010

First Major Outing!!!!

WOW... nearly a year since I posted "Lady Liberty." And now, for the first "real" trip of this blog, I'm preparing to undertake a major road trip. I will be leaving either Saturday, March 6, 2010 or Sunday, March 7, 2010 for a 3 week journey that will take me from California, through the southern states of AZ, NM, TX and then up into KY and IN (I'm sure I skipped a few).

I get to attend the wedding of my niece/God-daughter in Evansville, IN on 3/13/2010. The photo is me and her, way back in December 1983. She's changed a little since then, all grown up and getting married. Me... I look exactly the same... NOT

At any rate, this blog is supposed to be about odd and unusual places, so I have a few planned along the way.

  1. Roadside Mastodon - a sculpture(?) visible from the 60 Freeway here in California
  2. The World's Tallest Paper Cup - unsure if it's still there, but I'm gonna go look.
  3. The Center of the World - Apparently some guy started his own city and has declared it the center of the world (ONLY in California... LOL)
  4. Space Age Lodge and Motel - Complete with a flying saucer on the roof
  5. A&W Root Beer Family... think of Bob's Big Boy only older
  6. Eiffel Tower Replica (with a RED cowboy hat on top) - in Texas, of course
  7. The World's 2nd largest timepiece - again... not sure if this is still valid or exists, but I'm going to go have a look
Those are "planned", but not necessarily in stone. For my trip eastbound, I'm basically traveling along I-8 I-10 to I-20 to I-30 to I-40 to I-65 to Louisville, KY and then back to Evansville on I-64. If anyone out there knows of an "interesting" or "odd" site along the way... PLEASE let me know here. I'm also open to visits, etc. For those of you that "know me", I will be "back home" in Hindsboro, IL around 3/18 - 3/19. There is a dinner planned at Yoder's in Arthur, IL on 3/18 @ 5:00 p.m. Consider this your invitation.

I have not decided my route back westbound, so I'm open to suggestions for that as well.

I do not have an RV yet, so this trip will be in my '92 Toyota 4Runner. Over the next couple weeks, before I leave, I will post a few pics as I get the Toyota ready to go. Yes, I plan to sleep in the Toyota!!!! I will break down and get lodging for the wedding... might need a good LONG, HOT shower by then.

Here's a couple pics of the Toyota before getting ready. I have taken out one rear seat but left the other (currently folded down) so that I have enough space to sleep.

There will be more to come in the days that follow before my trip. And, during the trip, I hope to post daily (except maybe wedding day!!!)